catholic mass daily

My Summer Challenge: Going to Catholic Mass Daily

The summertime always comes with a tremendous amount of fun and excitement. While I’m definitely looking forward to putting some serious hours and commitment into my Catholic mom blog and developing it, I recognize that in order to do that, I need to continue to grow my relationship with God. What better way to do that than going to Catholic mass daily? 

Now, don’t get me wrong. Will I be able to attend mass on a daily basis? Probably not. There is something that is always bound to happen. Whether one of my kids is sick or being one of the moms that work, there may be something on any given day that prevents me from going. However, as part of a little challenge to myself for the summer, I want to try to attend Catholic mass daily as much as I possibly can. It’s something that I know that I won’t be able to do during the school year and it’s something that I also want to dedicate myself to as a way of finding God as  much and as often as possible. 

The Importance of Going to Catholic Mass Daily

One of the questions about Catholicism that you may have revolves around why it’s important to try to go to mass as often as possible. The importance of going to Catholic Mass daily can be understood from several perspectives, which I will outline below:

  • Spiritual Nourishment: Attending Mass daily provides an opportunity for Catholics to receive spiritual nourishment. The Eucharist, the central act of worship in the Catholic Church, is celebrated during Mass. As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Jesus Christ, and by receiving Communion, we enter into a deep communion with Christ and draw closer to Him spiritually. Regular participation in Mass can deepen one’s faith, foster a personal relationship with God, and provide strength and guidance for daily living.
  • Community and Fellowship: The Catholic Mass is not only a personal encounter with God but also a communal gathering of believers. By attending Mass daily, individuals become part of a faith community, sharing in the collective worship, prayers, and rituals of the Church. It offers an opportunity to connect with fellow believers, build relationships, and support one another in the journey of faith. Regularly attending Mass can foster a sense of belonging, unity, and solidarity among Catholics.
  • Formation and Education: The Mass is a rich source of Catholic teaching and Scripture. The Liturgy of the Word, which includes readings from the Bible and the homily, provides an opportunity for Catholics to deepen their understanding of the faith, gain insights into the Word of God, and receive guidance for living a virtuous life. Daily Mass attendance allows for regular exposure to the teachings of the Church and helps individuals grow in their knowledge and love of God.
  • Spiritual Discipline: Going to Mass daily requires commitment and discipline. By making the effort to attend Mass regularly, individuals demonstrate their dedication to their faith and their desire to prioritize their relationship with God. It helps to cultivate habits of prayer, reflection, and worship, leading to a more disciplined and focused spiritual life.
  • Gratitude and Worship: Daily Mass attendance allows Catholics to express their gratitude and worship to God on a regular basis. It provides an opportunity to offer thanksgiving for God’s blessings, seek forgiveness for shortcomings, and surrender one’s life to Him. By actively participating in the Mass, Catholics engage in a reverent and transformative act of worship that deepens their relationship with God and fosters a spirit of humility and gratitude.
catholic daily mass

Finding Catholic Daily Mass Near You 

While I know the daily mass time at my local church, I was curious to see what else I could find when it comes to the Catholic mass times from the churches in my area. During my search, I happened to find a website called Catholic Mass Times. All you need to do is put in your zip code and the site will pull a list of churches that are in your area. From there, you can click on the individual churches and the site will provide you a breakdown of daily mass times as well as the weekend mass times. Not only that, but the site provides you with the address, phone number and website for the church which is something that is super helpful! 

My Personal Journey and Daily Mass 

My local parish offers mass every morning at 8AM with the exception of Sundays. The problem with that time for me is the fact that it overlaps the time that I need to take my kids to the bus stop so it’s near impossible to get to mass. This is just one of the reasons I looked forward to summer break! Now, there is absolutely no excuse for me not to go. 

There is one more where I have a networking meeting at 7AM. I know… I know… super early! However, I recently found out that one of the local Catholic churches in that area has a 9AM mass. Since my meeting goes until 8:30, going to mass at another church would be an adventure in and of itself and it would be something that I can continue to do on that day throughout the year. Going to a different church may actually help me to gain a deeper understanding of my faith and give me a unique type of experience at another church. 

As you can see, I’m quite excited about starting this new challenge and it’s one that I want to continue write about so stay tuned for more updates!

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